As the Pendulum Swings

Energy Balance Nutrition Consulting (EBNC) is a Denver, CO based nutrition consulting company offering pragmatic, realistic, dietary advice for weight loss and healthy eating.  Diets do not work because they are not sustainable.  No matter how hard we try, after several months we tend to fall back into our original eating patterns.  Much like a pendulum, dieting shifts our eating patterns too far in one direction.  We then tend to overcompensate and overshoot too far in the other direction before settling back into our old routine.  Instead of adopting the next diet, failing, adopting the next diet, and failing again why don't we cut to the heart of the matter?  I have developed a nutrition questionnaire that will help us to develop a healthy diet for you based on the healthy foods you currently consume on a regular basis.  These healthy foods will form the base of your diet moving forward, during which time we will work on incorporating "unhealthy" foods back into your diet.  This unique approach makes my method of dietary programming pragmatic and sustainable.  If we hold ourselves truly accountable, we can, in a sense, have our cake and eat it too.

Brats are a food that many people enjoy.  There is no need to feel they are an off-limits food.

Brats are a food that many people enjoy.  There is no need to feel they are an off-limits food.


Dieting is unsustainable.  There is simply no way to keep your guard up indefinitely.  Life moves much too quickly and we all have too much going on to constantly stress about eating right.  It is much easier to "let our diet go" a time or two.  Unfortunately, this occasional "letting go" causes us to revert back to our old dietary habits.  We need to rebuild our dietary habits from the ground up, making healthy choices easy to achieve as they simply become part of the norm, part of our daily routines.  When building your new diet, you must ask yourself the question: can I maintain this type of eating the rest of my life?

 Body mass is truly controlled by the simple "calories in, calories out" equation


Body mass is truly controlled by the simple "calories in, calories out" equation

Energy Balance

High-protein diets, Paleo diets, Mediterrean diets, Atkins diets, and Weight Watchers:  what do all of these approaches to "healthy" eating have in common?  They all require a NEGATIVE ENERGY BALANCE to lose weight.  Nutrition these days is made much too complicated, when it is really quite simple.  If you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight, period.


"Healthy" ingredients for a salad

"Healthy" ingredients for a salad

Example of a not so healthy food choice

Example of a not so healthy food choice

Diet Quality

Which of the pictures above is a depiction of a "healthy" diet? The dairy, egg, fruit, and vegetable picture or the cotton candy and chewing gum picture?  Clearly, the former is better for you, but why?